
HR Needs for Mergers & Acquisitions

Purchasing a company, considering a merger, or moving into phases of due diligence bring with them a collection of challenges. Integrating your workforce, union agreements, employment conditions and working conditions can negatively impact your return on investment can all lead to these issues without effective management.

You want to get your return on investment, cut the fat and integrate your workforce as quickly as possible!  However; labour agreements, different payroll systems, differences in employment standards such as vacation, sick time & health care, different payroll periods, wage discrepancies for similar jobs, office locations, workplace jurisdiction and other systems can cost you more than anticipated without effective research and planning. Suddenly, there’s much less fat to trim.

RSMac Consulting Inc. can provide consultation, labour negotiation, proper notice and cost determination on the best course of action to move forward to get your ROI regarding HR & LR matters. You can’t just give everyone the same benefit plan if one costs more than the other, nor can you easily remove benefits from the higher plan. You can’t just eliminate vacation weeks if the company you purchased has a higher vacation threshold than yours did. That being said, a little help can help tie these loose ends with legal and cost effective methods.

Let RSMac Consulting provide you with the guidance and support to make the right decisions the first time and get you that return on investment you need. You wanted to make the purchase, so now let’s make it work for you!

Contact RSMac Consulting today to discuss a pricing plan and schedule that will meet your needs.  From small integrations to large, we can handle your needs.

RSMac Consulting is dedicated to providing your business with an array of services to help improve your performance. Whether it’s event security management, human resources, or labour relations services; our consulting can be exactly what you need to get on the path to success. For more information, please visit http://rsmac.ca.